Live Without a Net
Live Without a Net
Live Without A Net Episode 23: Jennifer Musser

This week on Live Without A Net, host Jennifer Sherlock is joined by Jennifer Musser.

In this episode, Jennifer Musser talks about how your mindset is key to confidently facing the unknown. Everyday life is filled with uncertainty, and it can trap you in a downward spiral of endless “what-ifs”. Jennifer stepped back during the midst of the pandemic, said goodbye to her “what-ifs”, and decided to zone in on consulting small businesses–something that would end up leaving her feeling fulfilled every day.

Using her past experience of integrating strategy, finance, and operations to solve issues, reduce risk, and enhance business results, she was able to help small businesses find success despite the pandemic. She founded JLM & Associates Consulting, LLC, and geared her success plans towards what the client needs and when they need it. Becoming a business consultant can be fulfilling, challenging, and exciting…all of the things Jennifer was longing for before she decided to let go of her safety net.